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some rightwing lunatics really hate this teenager

CLI­MATE AC­TIVIST GRETA THUN­BERG is back in the news but not in a manner that she is en­joying. Ac­cording to the ar­ticle “Trolls Force Artist to Cancel a Planned Greta Thun­berg Mural in North Dakota” by Yessenia Funes for Giz­modo (Feb­ruary 13, 2020), local artist/photographer Shane Balkow­itsch took por­traits of Thun­berg in Oc­tober 2019 when she was vis­iting mem­bers of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. [Read more] “some rightwing lunatics really hate this teenager”

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inconceivable! red states accept climate change mitigation money

TRUMP PREPARING FOR CLI­MATE CHANGE! Ac­tu­ally, the head­line for the ar­ticle by Zoya Teirstein for Grist (Jan­uary 27, 2020) reads, “The Trump Ad­min­is­tra­tion is helping nine states pre­pare for cli­mate change.” Ei­ther way, I know that many of you are thinking that word that Vizinni kept using in all the wrong places, “In­con­ceiv­able!” [Read more] “inconceivable! red states accept climate change mitigation money”

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did you know that donald trump was an environmental hero?

DONALD TRUMP, EN­VI­RON­MENTAL HERO. To most of the people in the world con­cerned with the state of that world, those four words are more than a simple bit of irony: Pres­i­dent Trump may be the quin­tes­sence of the cli­mate change de­nial “movement”—ignorant (or du­plic­i­tous) and ar­ro­gant. Yet when pe­rusing the latest email newsletter from Giz­modo, I was greeted by this head­line and teaser: “Trump Has a Book Written By a Trump Ad­visor About How Trump Loves the En­vi­ron­ment Actually.” [Read more] “did you know that donald trump was an environmental hero?”

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chamber of commerce changes approach to climate change

AS ONE OF THE MOST POW­ERFUL lob­bying groups in the country, the U.S. Chamber of Com­merce has long been a cen­tral player in the net­work of or­ga­ni­za­tions seeding de­nial about cli­mate change. Its work in­cludes spending mil­lions of dol­lars in­flu­encing elec­tions and lob­bying in sup­port of new oil and gas de­vel­op­ment, roll­backs of U.S. [Read more] “chamber of commerce changes approach to climate change”

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climate change denial and inaction are related

THE TWIN PHE­NOM­ENON of de­nial and in­ac­tion are re­lated to one an­other, at least in the con­text of cli­mate change. They are also com­plex, both in the gen­eral sense of “com­pli­cated and in­tri­cate,” and in the tech­nical psy­cho­log­ical sense of “a group of re­pressed feel­ings and anx­i­eties which to­gether re­sult in ab­normal behaviour.” [Read more] “climate change denial and inaction are related”

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the cherished myths of climate change deniers

PROP­ERLY, A MYTH is a “tra­di­tional story of os­ten­sibly his­tor­ical events that serves to un­fold part of the world view of a people or ex­plain a prac­tice, be­lief, or nat­ural phe­nom­enon” (Merriam-Webster). But we rarely use that de­f­i­n­i­tion today. Most of us use myth with its sec­ondary de­f­i­n­i­tion: “an un­founded or false no­tion.” [Read more] “the cherished myths of climate change deniers”